Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cubaan Pertama yang Memotivasikan...

( bajet letak kulit kayu manis ala- ala coklat parut...tapi mungkin mcm terlalu obvious~)


Seronoknya hari ini...

Setelah sekian lama tercabar melihat cheesecake yang dibuat oleh orang lain..

Setelah sekian lama menikmati cheesecake buatan orang lain..

Akhirnya aku memberanikan diri untuk menghasilkan kek pertama ku..

Sebelum ini di Malaysia memang tak pernah pun nak merajinkan diri membuat kek..tetapi sejak mengenali cheesecake..godaan yang diterima sangat mantap...

Datang Dubin...lagi rasa kagum dan tercabar dengan kawan - kawan yang rajin buat kek especially cheesecake..

Dalam masa seminggu ni..sudah 2 kali menjamah cheesecake..begitu sekali kekerapannya..

Segalanya bermula di Newcastle..setelah mendapat inspirasi dari sahabat di sana..tterus minta resipi..dan website yang diberi..masyaAllah..mantap gel~

Ditengah - tangah kesibukan menyiapkan pelbagai project/assignment.. project cheesecake tidak ketinggalan.. =P

Walaupun agak was-was dengan 'skill' yang tak pernah ada maklum lah..first timer..risau gak kalau tak jadi..

Tapi takpe..tegar juga nak buat..istimewa untuk

1) Housemate 314..especially adik rumah yang suka membuli kakak rumah..
2) Kak Ilani
3) Budak - budak penthouse..Esp. Muizzah..thanx tolong belikan springform pan.
4) Mimah..happy belated birthday~
5) Iluvislam resipi..
6) Diri the best for the last~

Hasilnya...cheesecake kelihatan merekah..( which i dunno why..kena tya pakar la ni) ...
walaupun rupamu tidak secantik di kedai..namun rasanya tetap menjadi pujaan hatiku..

Resipi penuh boleh didapati di resipi.iluvislam

p/s : kepada kawan - kawan yang tak dapat rasa..minta maaf..ada rezeki boleh buat lagi..

Monday, November 24, 2008

Busy Bee

Currently blogging is not one of my main priorities ..

so, see ya later Bluegy~

- deeya-

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hey dya! Hakuna Matata k...

What is stress??

Stress arises when there is a mismatch between our
appraisals of demands and of our abilities and
coping resources.

::Hmm, kind of what i'm going through lately..::

Stress symptoms


fatigue, headache, insomnia, muscle
aches/stiffness (especially neck, shoulders and low back),
heart palpitations, chest pains, abdominal cramps, nausea,
trembling, cold extremities, flushing or sweating and
frequent colds.

• Mental:

decrease in concentration and memory,
indecisiveness, mind racing or going blank, confusion,
loss of sense of humor.

::well, I do lost my sense of humor...


anxiety, nervousness, depression, anger,
frustration, worry, fear, irritability, impatience, short


pacing, fidgeting, nervous habits (nail-biting,
foot-tapping), increased eating, smoking, drinking, crying,
yelling, swearing.

So, what are the tips?

• Decrease or discontinue caffeine
Caffeine stimulates a stress reaction..Gosh! no wonder..

• Regular exercise
Bodies in a state of high energy, Nowhere for energy to go..Hmm..I should walk to college more often then..

• Relaxation/Meditation
“The relaxation response” Solah & recite the Holy Quran..

• Sleep
Most stressed people are wonder I slept a lot lately..

• Work-life balance
Modify, if work is >60% or self <10%>

• Realistic expectations
"Expect less from people who cannot give you
what you want. It makes it easier - not great,
just less upsetting.“ This is definitely true!

• Reframing
Try to look at alternative meanings. Be optimistic!

• Belief systems
Unnecessary conflict with others with opposing
beliefs..Right! this could be really stressful..

• Ventilation/Support System
"a problem shared is a problem halved"
Writing thoughts, share with others..

• Humour??!

p/s : Hakuna Matata dya... Cheer up!!