Saturday, January 10, 2009

Stuffs that I need for Finals...

Just finished my Clinical Compentencies.. Got GIT for history taking, auscultating the apex beat and performing the aortic regurgitation manouvre and last but not least, the neuro exam of the upper limb which involved testing of the tone & power...

Alhamdulillah everything turned out quite well than last year's..(which was badly done) after much efforts been put into CC..I left it to Allah to give me the very best..InsyaAllah.

The next exam is gonna be the infamous 'card-signing'-like exam..the anatomy exam. My performance in actual anatomy exam always turned up not-so-good when comparing to the numerous cardsignings i have done..

I usually go blank due to the excessesive unwanted pre-exam nervousness disorder also known as EUPND ( pronounced as u-p-e-n-d). EUPND is a complicated disorder which usually attacks people before exam( as the name suggests).

Some of the symptoms are insomnia, palpitation, sudden loss of memory and excessive sweating. It may also cause suppression of the immune system thus increasing vulnerability to illness.

Okayhhhh...thats' it! I made it up. there's no such thing as EUPND. (ni namanya syndrom tepu study)

Soo.....stuffs that I need for Finals~

- Allah swt

- Quran

- Dua's from Mom & Dad,family & friends

- Motivation

- Stress ( the good ones ok)

- confidence!

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan ku, kuatkanlah ingatanku, kurniakanlah aku kefahaman, tajamkanlah mindaku, berikanlah aku keyakinan dan kelancaran untuk menjawab exam kali ini.. peliharalah ilmu yg telah Kau berikan kepadaku.. Sesungguhnya engkaulah sebaik-baik Pemelihara.. keluarkanlah ilmu itu di saat aku memerlukannya.. Berikanlah aku kemudahan di saat kesulitan, berikanlah aku pertolongan di saat aku kesusahan.. kurniakanlah aku dan sahabat-sahabatku kejayaan setinggi-tinggi kejayaaan.. kurniakanlah kami kejayaan yang akan mendekatkan kami kepada-Mu.. Sesungguhnya aku bertawakkal dan berserah kepadaMu.. Engkaulah sebaik-baik sandaran dan sebaik-baik Penolong.. Amin.

back to ::study mode:: ----> chaiyo!!


  1. all the best for the exams, i too got EUPND. the best thing too remember is, all the mujahidin in palestine are doing jihad with weapons, missiles, and riffles.

    but for us(students), the best jihad is to do the best in exams(studies). jihad dimedan ilmu.angkatlah pena kamu.

    owh..ya.ustaz selalu cakap, kalo gabra/gelabah masa exam, bacala surah al-Insyirah kemudian letakkan tgn kat hati. as the name suggest, insyirah means solace.

  2. salam.....sya jga mngalami situasi yg sama dgn awk....stlh bjya msuk u, result sya hnya average..huhu..tringin jgk nk dpt sjil dekan...stlh bca blog awk, bru sya sedar, sya kena kmblikan smgt sya yg dlu..mrilah sma2 kita "shooting for the moon"...

  3. wslm.. alhamdulillah..baguslah kalau ada kesedaran juga. smoga Allah berikan kekuatan utk kita istiqamah.
