Sunday, November 22, 2009

'Kaizen'ing Myself?

Saya tahu saya dah lama tak update blog or maybe tulis something.

Kepada yang rajin menjenguk ke blog saya, minta maaf yea.

Blogging is never my passion. It's just a way for me to say something out or to express my emotions when I can't deliver them in reality. Walaupun saya ada masa lapang - I don't feel like blogging.


Well, semua orang pun sibuk in general. Tapi, kalau seseorang tu esp. saya, ada masa untuk buat perkara 'mengisi masa lapang' atau perkara ' yang release tension' atau yang 'kurang' menambah iman seperti bermain game, menonton drama/video atau melayari dan melayan facebook, mencuba resipi baru n shopping etc... hmm, maybe tak cukup sibuk lagi kot~

Enough with all of those stuffs back in KMB and during my 1st year's....I have been trying not to indulge myself into those stuffs ever again. It is easy to do that when 3/4 or more of you day are fully occupied with work,study,duty & think only free time you have left are time to sleep & eat.

Proses Meng'kaizen' Diri?

No need for me to struggle so much in keeping with my self-pledge of refraining myself from 'lagha' stuffs esp. watching movies/drama & all those 'in' stuffs as I guess i'm doing pretty well with it. (Esp. the movie & shopping part) Just wait for the holidays....that's when the real struggle begins.. *sigh* Semoga Allah beri kekuatan & kesabaran untuk terus bermujahadah dengan masa dan memperbaik diri from time to time.... it's 'KAIZEN' time!

Even so, I consider blogging not an urgent nor important matter in my life - so, I'm very sorry Bluegy. Haven't got much time for you!

For the time being, saya masih lagi ada masa (baca : mencuri masa) melayan facebook dan mencuba resipi baru dan memasak + makan. Lagha? Well, tepuk dada tanya iman..

Sharing is caring

Wud love to share this vid.. more so when it's somehow related to Kaizen in's all about CHANGE to the better and improving every single day..bit by bit..

Nak baca apa Ustaz Upn & Ipin cerita pasal Kaizen? Klik sini!

Nak tengok video?? Klik sini~

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